
How To Add Ssh Key To Bitbucket

Aneeqa Khan

Setting up SSH key for Bitbucket account on macOS

Hi all, today I want to share how to generate a SSH key and set up information technology for the Bitbucket repository.


An SSH cardinal is an access credential for the SSH (secure beat) network protocol. This authenticated and encrypted secure network protocol is used for remote communication between machines on an unsecured open network. SSH key is used for remote file transfer, network management, and remote operating arrangement access.

Generate SSH key

Open your terminal and paste the below command in the root directory.

                              ssh                -                keygen                -                t                rsa                          

Enter fullscreen style Exit fullscreen mode

Then it will inquire where to save the key file. Y'all can press enter to salvage it on the default location.

Gear up Passphrase

Next, it volition inquire you to set Passphrase for that file. You can proceed it empty but it is recommended to ready the Passphrase considering the SSH primal without a Passphrase can exist used by anyone to access the system or repository.

Copy SSH key

At present paste the below command to get the public access key you lot only created

                              true cat                ~                /.ssh/i                d_rsa                .                pub                          

Enter fullscreen mode Go out fullscreen mode

Note: Hither is SSH key file name.

Fix it on Bitbucket

  • Open your Bitbucket account and become to Personal settings.
  • Select SSH keys under the Security tab.
  • Press Add together key push. It will open the below-mentioned dialog box for you. bitbucket img
  • Here paste that copied key type the label and press Add key button to save information technology on your Bitbucket settings.

Now you tin can admission the repository with a secure connection. Thank you for reading!

How To Add Ssh Key To Bitbucket,


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