Descridomain_7 Words Meaning In Hindi
![20 new words with meaning in Hindi](
In this post, y'all will Learn 20 New Words With Meaning In Hindi. These English language Vocabulary words are important for TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and other Exams.
20 New Words With Meaning In Hindi
1) Predicament (noun)
Hindi Meaning: कठिन परिस्थिति
English language Pregnant: difficult situation
Synonyms: trouble, pickle, difficulty, consequence, plight
Antonyms: benefaction, advantage, do good, piece of cake, opportunity
Case Judgement: Nosotros believe this predicament volition pass presently.
2) Surge (verb)
Hindi Significant: वृद्धि होना
English Meaning: Rise or increase something
Synonyms: grow, increment, spurt, rise, escalate
Antonyms: subtract, decline, ebb, fall, slump
Example Sentence: The shares surged to an all-time high.
iii) Transit (noun)
Hindi Meaning: पारवहन, संक्रमण
English language Meaning: Motion
Synonyms: transport, passage, carriage, transfer, transportation
Antonyms: hold, hindrance, barrier, obstacle, stagnation
Example Sentence: Rails transit is cheaper than the road.
four) Refrain (verb)
Hindi Meaning: बचना
English Pregnant: stop someone from doing something.
Synonyms: desist, forgo, cease, abstain, forbear
Antonyms: indulge, assay, interact, persist, venture
Case Sentence: She refrained from commenting about the college.
5) Burden (noun)
Hindi Meaning: आघात
English Meaning: the primary strength, stupor, or tension
Synonyms: forcefulness, shock, burden, impact, daze
Antonyms: resistance, endurance, unpack, entice
Example Sentence: Pocket-size companies are feeling the full brunt of the recession.
6) Stultify (verb)
Hindi Meaning: उबा देना, मूर्ख बनाना
English Meaning: to announced stupid
Synonyms: diameter, cripple, boring, suffocate, ridicule
Antonyms: deepen, interest, entertain, excite, fascinate
Example Sentence: The new episodes could stultify the whole TV series.
seven) Hoard (verb)
Hindi Meaning: संचय करना
English Meaning: store something
Synonyms: cache, stock, collect, stockpile, reserve
Antonyms: squander, lavish, spend, lose
Example Sentence: Authorities will accept activeness confronting those who hoarded the daily use products.
eight) Apathy (substantive)
Hindi Meaning: उदासीनता
English Meaning: lack of involvement
Synonyms: unconcern, dullness, passivity, languor, boredom,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, alertness, passion, involvement, curiosity
Case Sentence: The apathy between them is clearly visible.
nine) Extraneous (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: अप्रासंगिक
English Pregnant: not directly connected
Synonyms: irrelevant, unrelated, impertinent, extrinsic, inapplicable
Antonyms: material, relatable, relevant, related, important
Example Sentence: Our relation is extraneous for y'all.
10) Unconstitutional (adjective)
Hindi Significant: असंवैधानिक
English Significant: something illegitimate
Synonyms: illegal, unauthorized, illicit, unlawful, forbidden
Antonyms: legal, judicial, lawful, constitutional, legal
Example Sentence: We volition protest against this unconstitutional action.
11) Vernacular (noun)
Hindi Meaning: मातृभाषा
English language Significant: native language
Synonyms: jargon, dialect, slang, lingo, argot
Antonyms: Latin, formal, standard, genteel
Instance Sentence: We should use vernacular with our friends.
12) Disheartening (adjective)
Hindi Pregnant: निराशाजनक
English Meaning: very lamentable
Synonyms: bleak, distressing, gloomy, dispiriting, daunting
Antonyms: encouraging, cheering, delicious, crawly, heartening
Case Sentence: It is disheartening to come across his illegal deed.
thirteen) Knave (noun)
Hindi Pregnant: दुष्ट
English Meaning: fraud
Synonyms: miscreant, rogue, varlet, rascal, scamp
Antonyms: hero, affections, savior, star, icon
Instance Sentence: He was a notorious knave of our higher.
14) Culmination (noun)
Hindi Meaning: परिणति, पराकाष्ठा
English Meaning: climax
Synonyms: summit, acme, zenith, noon, climex
Antonyms: nadir, bottom, minimum, base
Example Sentence: The discovery culminated many years of research.
15) Peer (substantive & verb)
Hindi Pregnant: झांकना, सहकर्मी
English Significant: expect something carefully
Synonyms: fellow, co-worker, counterpart, compeer, colleague
Antonyms: commoner, stranger, junior, superior, glance
Example Sentence: I was peering to read the board in the form.
16) Codify (verb)
Hindi Significant: संहिताबद्ध करना
English Meaning: to adjust something
Synonyms: systematize, arrange, sort, customize, order
Antonyms: expunge, countervail, disorder, anarchy, mess
Instance Sentence: The interns will codify the financial receipts in chronological order.
17) Accommodative (adjective)
Hindi Significant: उदार, अनुग्राही
English Pregnant: adaptive
Synonyms: adaptative, helpful, cooperative, adaptive, flexible
Antonyms: maladaptive, inflexible, firm, stubborn, rigid
Example Judgement: The new policies fail to accommodate people with disabilities.
18) Recumbent (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: लेटा हुआ, समतल
English language Pregnant: lying down
Synonyms: supine, lying, accumbent, horizontal, accumbent
Antonyms: vertical, cock, upright, continuing, straight
Case Sentence: The instructor found him seated in a recumbent position in the course.
19) Incumbent (describing word)
Hindi Meaning: पदधारी
English language Meaning: officially having the named position
Synonyms: current, existing, necessary, compulsory, required
Antonyms: future, irrelevant, unnecessary, unimportant
Case Sentence: The incumbent Director was vanquished.
xx) Ameliorate (verb)
Hindi Pregnant: सुधार होना
English language Meaning: better something
Synonyms: heighten, better, amend, better, improve
Antonyms: worsen, reject, deteriorate, disuse, fade
Example Sentence: The amendment did much to ameliorate living standards.
Yous are learning 20 New Words With Meaning In Hindi. I hope y'all have learned some new English words from this post.
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