One of The Forgotten City'south earliest roadblocks is the assassin that you'll come against most the baths, who will impale you if you don't figure out a clever way to have him downward.

Luckily, with The Forgotten City'due south time-travelling mechanics, coming up with a clever manner to take downwardly the assassin isn't going to exist too difficult at all.

How To Get Rid Of The Assassin In The Forgotten City


The quest attached to getting rid of the assassin is called "Intruder" and you'll run into it the first time you venture by the marketplace and towards the baths. You'll see a woman named Fabia hiding backside a wall, and she'll tell you that an assassin had made his fashion into the city and is at risk of breaking The Golden Rule past killing someone and sinning.

Talk to Fabia and say that you'll bargain with the assassin. She'll tell you to meet her in the temple to her right when you're washed, but that temple will autumn and plummet on her. Yous can't save her from this fate the showtime time around equally you'll be distracted by the whispers telling you "no". This is actually your beginning hint at how to beat this quest, only it'southward also proof you can't exercise it the first time around.

Later this, walk over to the Roman Baths to notice the assassinator. You'll engage in dialogue with him where he asks y'all for the location of Quinctius. You won't know who this is until much afterward in the game anyway, but you'll certainly not know information technology when he asks. No matter what you say to the assassin, he'due south going to end up shooting you with an arrow and breaking The Aureate Rule, triggering the golden statues and causing you to need to run to the portal and reset time.


Do that, and you'll announced in another time loop. Go back to where you met Fabia for the beginning fourth dimension to see that she's warning yous of the assassin all over again. When she says to meet you in the temple, tell her "Exercise not go in at that place!", and "Just trust me." to cause her to wait in her bakery instead. This leaves the temple open up to collapse on anyone else who might wander in there.

Get talk to the assassin again and you'll find it to exist much the same as last time. Y'all still don't know who he's after and tin can't get that information until you become rid of him, just how tin you impale him without breaking The Golden Rule. Well, the temple is the key.


When talking to the assassinator this time, say, "Yes. I saw him worshipping in a small round shrine just inside the metropolis. 2d building on your left". This will cause the assassin to walk into the temple and be crushed. This won't suspension The Aureate Dominion equally it was an accident, as seen earlier with Fabia.

Y'all can and then loot the assassin to detect a compensation annotation telling him to kill Quinctius, a wooden bow which you'll need for another quest, and some arrows. You can then talk to Fabia exterior her bakery, simply don't acknowledge to knowing that the temple was going to fall or else you'll invoke The Golden Rule.


How To Unlock The Callous Achievement


This questline can also unlock the "Draconian" achievement. When talking to Fabia, tell her "How is this my trouble?" and then "Just callous. Good luck!" to cause her to run into the temple and have information technology collapse on her. This will earn you the achievement, although yous'll need to time warp again to free the temple up to shell the assassin.

Next: The Forgotten City - How To Become The Golden Bow